FX Permutator is a premium script for REAPER.
Instantly create unique fx chains from collections of your plugins
Recent Update - v1.3
- Added support for REAPER 7.0 (Reapack users just need to do: Extensions -> ReaPack -> Synchronize)
- Parallel Chance % feature allows root level FX of run to be run in parallel
- FX Containers: New options menu tab allows you to create an FX Container as part of your FX Permutator run with their own unique parameters
- New FX Container specific actions in the Tools menu include “Randomize Container Params”, “Randomize Container Presets”, and “Shuffle Container FX”
- Additional logging for plugin load failures
FX Permutator - General Features
- Create and store collections of plugins
- Apply plugin collections to tracks
- Randomized Plugin presets
- Randomized Plugin parameters
- Randomized Plugin slot location (FX chain order)
- Easily render created FX Permutator tracks with created regions
- Save interesting FX chains and share
Learn More About FX Permutator
Ready to start permutating and get more out of your plugins? Our getting started documentation is a great source to learn the features of FX Permutator. FX Permutator can also be imported into Reaper via ReaPack.
Power Up Your FX Plugins With Our Preset Repository
Many of your favorite plugins might not have presets that are accessible to FX Permutator. These typically show up as “VST built-in programs” or “User Presets”. For this reason, we have created a growing repository of free user presets that you can easily import. Make sure you select the right version and VST type for your desired plugin. (x32, x64, VST, VST3 etc)