About Tech Audio

Tech Audio is a collective of tech minded audio professionals from its parent company Team Audio. The mission of Tech Audio is to provide interesting and useful tools for audio people.


We use SendOwl to handle purchases. After you purchase your tool, you will receive the required license key required for product activation. The related Reaper scripts can be downloaded directly from their product pages at the TeamAudio Git repository, or by using ReaPack.

You’re allowed three product activations for each purchase of a Reaper script license. We understand life happens, so if you need an extra activation, send an email to  with the name of the specific product and what caused your situation.

Ready to get started, eh? Some of our products are free, and others will require purchasing an activation key to use. Please visit the product page of the tool that you’ve downloaded to find a link to purchase a key if necessary. We also recommend reading through the documentation for each product as it will provide you the steps needed to get started.

We want you to enjoy using our tools and offer a 14-day return period. To request a refund, please send an email to  with the name of the tool and the reason for your refund.

We are always open to make improvements to our tools and to add features. Please send an email to with your request. 

Yes! We make custom tools for individuals and businesses and love to collaborate on projects. We are always open to commissions, just send an email to to get the process started.